Advance Programs

Advance Programs to Prevent Violent Crime, Thwart Terrorism, and Safeguard the People of Our City

Engaging the Public
I firmly believe that a collaboration between Crime Stoppers and the community can lead, and will lead, to a safer city.
- Sgt. Erica Rivera, Crime Stoppers Unit

The New York City Police Foundation has a long history of supporting the NYPD’s work with the community to solve crimes through Crime Stoppers and Operation Gun Stop. For over 40 years, NYPD Detectives have received crime-solving tips from anonymous callers to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS, helping to solve more than 1,600+ murders and attempted murders, as well as nearly 2,400 robberies.

Thwarting Terrorism

The NYPD has the most comprehensive counterterrorism program in the world. For over 20 years, the Foundation has made it possible for the NYPD to be positioned worldwide through the International/Domestic Liaison Program to help NYC react in real-time to potential terror threats. The overseas officers partner with local law enforcement to collect and disseminate terrorism-related information needed to safeguard our city. In the event of a terrorist attack overseas, these detectives can be at the scene to provide timely information to the NYPD.

The Foundation funds the purchase of highly trained vapor and odor detection canines that can identify explosives, including in crowds, parades, and stadiums, and are critical resources for the NYPD to safeguard our city.

Additional Programs
  • The Foundation sponsors the annual Operation Sentry Conference hosted by the NYPD for hundreds of high-ranking law enforcement officials from agencies worldwide to discuss the changing threat of terrorism.
  • The Foundation funded a customized Critical Skills for Intelligence Analysis training by Phillip Mudd, Former Deputy Director of the CIA Counterterrorist Center and FBI National Security Branch, for newly hired Intelligence Research Specialists 2016-2018. As a result of this valuable training, the Department continues to offer this specialized training in-house to new specialists.